Recognizing that it will take more than human reason and ability to solve the problems of the world, IofC places the search for inner wisdom at the heart of its approach. When people listen to what is deepest in their hearts, insights often come which lead in unexpected directions. Many understand this experience as guidance from God, others as the leading of conscience or the inner voice. The regular practice of silence can give access to a source of truth, renewal, inspiration, and empowerment.
An integral to IofC is a commitment to:
An honest look at one’s own motives and behavior is often the start of personal transformation. Cultural and religious traditions across the world offer moral standards as guides for individual and community living. Of these, IofC singles out absolute honesty, unselfishness, love, and purity of heart and action as practical tests for motives and daily actions.
Honest conversation, undertaken in an open spirit, builds bridges of trust and community between people of similar, different, and even antagonistic, backgrounds. These enable healing, partnership, and common action.
IofC’s people and programs seek to strengthen the moral and spiritual foundations of society and to bring healing and reconciliation where there is conflict, build bridges of trust between different communities and countries, and embed ethics, justice, and transparency in the global economy.

Initiatives of Change International is an association incorporated in 2002 under Swiss law which brings together IofC’s national associations and international programmes. Member bodies commit to act in accordance with the constitution and with the principles of the movement. In all other respects, they are autonomous. Initiatives of Change International is a non‐profit Association, independent of any and all political, religious or economic entities or organizations. Where appropriate, it partners with others working for change.

An online archive of the history of Moral Re-Armament (MRA)/Initiatives of Change (IofC).